Slim Fit

Easily made and on-time predictable results require a clear and correct step-by-step procedure.
In New Ancorvis, the creation of a strong procedure allows to enhance the features of the single elements, which are functional at every phase. For example, Slim Fit is not only a simple MUA, but a prosthetic component which can represent the starting point of a more modern digital flow because of its ability to improve the prosthetic solutions and the biological reactions.
Slim Fit has been designed and validated by aligning itself with the trend of the modern implantology which prefers prosthetic components that do not interfere with the peri-implant tissues and can be positioned even during the surgical phase by making a component necessary to perform the prosthetic restorations far from bone levels and to ease a biological seal after the healing of the gingival tissues also for the single implants.
Optimised for the digital flows – and suitable also to analogic flows- on Slim Fit is possible to use the Scan Body with dedicated designs for single crowns (Scan Body AQ Small) and AQ, and soon it will be possible to use specific Scan Body for multiple restorations and for edentulisms (Scan Body One Shot), as well as specific digital analogs.
The digital libraries are an expression of New Ancorvis’ versatility, and they represent the conjunction ring with the prosthetic components we develop. For this reason, there are dedicated libraries also for Slim Fit.
Thanks to Slim Fit, it is possible to manage prosthetics with cement-retained technique, with Innova technique, and with screw-retained technique, even in zirconia and for single crowns.
Starting from the intra-oral scanning, the New Ancorvis’ prosthetic components - more than 5.400 items in the catalogue – are the easy and ergonomically answer the physicians and technicians’ team is searching for.