It is well known: customer experience is very serious!!!!
It is something that cannot be ignored and that all companies must bear in mind as a paradigm of an optimal result...
It is precisely for this reason that process validation operations according to New Ancorvis cannot be performed only with the best clinical studies and the constant application of highly qualified staff, but must be tested also by a hypothetical end user within the company, to find out whether something has been left out of our workflow.
Well, our “Beta Tester” in this completely digital project dedicated to computer-guided surgery is no less that the company’s CEO, Davide Cantoni ;-)!..........and it is in this way that the institutional aspect is abandoned and we try not to take ourselves too seriously, while always keeping in mind the importance of an ambitious project like this.
Setting aside the ironic and witty tone of the first lines, the Light Solutions project - we can’t resist telling you! - is something we are really proud of and it certainly embodies the stylistic code of an evolution in the approach to the clinical-technical daily activity which could only be given a tangible form.
In fact, the Light Solutions Project represents, in all respects, an innovative approach to the subject because it is considered as an entirely digital flow, with the aim of making this type of method available on a large scale in a simple and immediate manner and to meet the growing needs of the dental laboratory to manage the interaction with your customer in an even more fluid and articulated way, relying on a portfolio of solutions, production, components and dedicated software.
And there's more!
From our point of view the Light Solutions Network - open exclusively to dental clinicians who have a digital system in their laboratory - represents the New Ancorvis revolution in this panorama in every way, because it puts the figure of the dental technician in the spotlight, highlighting his professionalism and know-how.
Entering the Light Solutions Network guarantees the possibility of taking part in a highly formative and certified course on the entire New Ancorvis computer-guided surgery project, playing a proactive role within the entire workflow.
In fact, in this context, the dental technicians will be provided with all the instruments required for them to effectively interface with their own customers and be considered by them as a valid support in the use of this system.
This is the essence of our project: Light Solutions is a team game, in which the main actors - clinician, technician and all of us at New Ancorvis - work together well aware of their abilities and roles.
To learn more about our computer-guided surgery project, visit our website at this link http://www.newancorvis.eu/index.php/chirurgia-guidata and follow us on Facebook to find out the dates of the next meetings dedicated to the project!