/hjuːˈmænəti/ uncountable noun

Humanity, my friends, is the only thing that may give us a competitive edge in all the areas of our complex, mixed up lives.

Humanity and morality will no longer simply be principles to be inspired by (or more often dropped like an unanswered letter! ) but rather the most rigorous criterion to assess and measure our progress, in its broadest sense.

We firmly believe this, and we also firmly believe that this phenomenon will actually be an opportunity for us all to evolve and to give back a greater degree of depth to our social relationships, to our ways of working together and to our inner lives, which have often been mistreated by fast-paced rhythms, increasing pressures and an overturning of values.

And this model, inspired by a respect for our individuality and others’, discipline and solidarity – concepts that have been liberated from the ‘political correctness’ to which we have become accustomed in recent times, almost with no understanding, and restored to their deepest and truest meaning – may, in our opinion, even be the keystone in the development that is to come in the world of work and business.

This is why, in the 2021 that has just begun, we believe that, alongside the quality and safety of our products and our plans to develop our business and new services, there must be a brilliant humanity that will emerge and rise up.

At first glance, it would almost seem to be a step backwards, a return to our origins, to the time when man and man alone was at the centre of it all.

However, this new aspect has all the features of being a superpower we can use to forge ever onwards and get across these rough seas, which are mired in darkness as far as the horizon.

Thus, with our sleeves rolled up and our hands roughened, all that is left to do is wish each of ourselves, and each of you, a strong wind in your sails!

True heroes don’t tame lizards. True heroes tame dragons.

Let’s begin with a large dose of reality because what we have heard so far and what we will hear a lot more of is rhetoric!

It is not easy to find measured words that sound sincere, that instil positive feelings, because hearing the news this autumn, which promises to be thick and hard, what stands out is that the game - the real game - is about to be played now! And it’s not fucking funny!

We have nothing to hide – we, too, are scared. For what we have painstakingly built over the years, for ourselves and our families, and also for the future we have always imagined to be rich and in Technicolor.

All that is happening to us is so out of the ordinary that it cannot be traced back to the patterns or the models of the past. We have got to change. So much so that our old reading of the world and what is normal is now distant and faded.

We told ourselves, didn’t we, right from the instant of lockdown, on Facebook live, that we would all have to – with no exceptions! – roll up our sleeves, now it’s time to give form to this awareness, stimulate the imagination and look for new solutions.

We don’t know if the new behaviours and ideas (which we consider to be innovative) that we have been working on since May will take off, but we do know that the way we have chosen to interpret the world and the market that surrounds us is based on connections and interconnections, first and foremost between us and you, to cultivate an overall vision that involves empathy and does not disregard morality or the ability to listen.

As the old folks used to say – he was a man with ‘chutzpah’ – we fight to the bitter end!

Let’s do this together. Now’s the time.


Screw the crisis.

Screw Covid.

Be Strong!

Here We Are

 This time we thought that an interview about our experiences and our vision of the future was the best way to let you know about how strong we feel and how positive we are in squaring up to the situation we’re in and the challenges that will surely follow!

Come on and let’s get on with it – as we always like to say: full steam ahead!!!... and enjoy....

New Ancorvis a Top Secret

Don’t be afraid

 It is not easy to write anything at this particular moment in time that doesn’t come across as being pure rhetoric or badly worded, but it’s also true that it’s just in situations like these that your voice has to be heard, to send a message, a plea, or express a point of view.

New Ancorvis’ point of view, understood as coming from a group of individuals, is one of analysis and realisation, with a vision – out of need – that jettisons beyond the boundaries of business and into the social and civil sphere.

non avere paura

Don't be afraid. The events we are experiencing flip the belief that we can determine and control the future with the actions we take in the present, and force us to face up to the inescapable limits that characterise our lives: birth and death. So much for the feeling of immortality that we nurture with a certain theatrical flair.
The isolation imposed on us by the measures to contain the epidemic has led us to rediscover - in a kind of paradox - that the forced separation from others (a potential danger to us, just as we are to them! ) makes them less nebulous, forcing us to think not only of our own well-being but even that of others.
And yet, if on the one hand the invaluable rediscovery of the value of others, the importance of the home and a certain basic, fundamental aspect underscore what is really important, on the other hand we have the virus – an invisible, unpredictable enemy. Evidently treacherous, as we all know by now!

Covid-19 came into our lives and forced us to stop, changed the way we do things and shattered many of our certainties. We are learning to live day to day, watching the progress of the number of cases, in a Twilight Zone dimension that seems almost surreal and marked by ever-present news headlines.
And yes, it is scary!

But we think that fear is the greatest defensive weapon we have in our arsenal because it leads us to be conscientious, clear-headed and far-sighted to drive and arm ourselves with each possible precautionary measure and a strength to face up to the enemy and then – eventually! – breathe in the air of a new future.
Our companies and their managers are fighters, too, just as we at New Ancorvis are, with a desire, now more than ever, to forge ahead, without being disheartened, and we are already conceiving new business models.
It will not be the same as before, that’s quite clear. We really believe that we will all be better!
Firstly, because awareness leads to new goals and great results. Secondly, because determination fuels the desire to achieve them and, finally, because being ‘pizza lovers’ - pardon my French - triggers just the right feeling to put our hearts and souls into it, as only we Italians know how!
So come on, let’s get on with it! Proud, with our heads hung low and our noses to the grindstone.




Keep Calm and Love Chameleon

Imagine if the digital revolution of our daily lives suddenly went up in smoke, as if by magic.

If, for the sake of argument, there was a back-to-basics situation of monumental proportions that forced us, from our sphere of work to free time, to stop simplifying what we do and how we interconnect that is currently made possible by technological and digital progress.

Well, that would be a nightmare! A sort of vital organs shut-down, even if it allowed us to stay safe and sound in our comfort zone, far from the upheaval of daily routine, which in fact - let's face it! - is by far the most annoying and unnerving thing we have to deal with every day.

So, since we would be far from happy about going back to basics and given that complaining is not a strategy (indeed, it seems to make us even less attractive!), we have no choice but to keep up with the times and shake off our customary way of doing things every so often, so we don’t miss out on even the tiniest part of this transformation...

Because - by refocusing on business and our current production procedures –  digital innovation and technology in general lead to a whole lot of positive results!

And since these tools have become part and parcel of our work, we have realised that to make them work at their best, i.e. seamlessly and efficiently, we need to create a culture of awareness and independence!

So, what this means is that New Ancorvis, at a quick calculation, has been holding training courses for twenty years! – Cantoni (The Boss, editor’s note) has nurtured a strong desire… to grow the digital skills of all the players in our supply chain, i.e. medicaltechnical – and the industry itself, creating a working environment in which each one can express, in their own field of specialisation, the relevant skills, whilst relying on tools that simplify and optimise time and results.

In short, to drive the point home: industry can really be amazingly beneficial for clinical and technical teams, but only if all three of these players are united by expertise in the digital content applied to our sector.

Introducing Grow UP … a colourful world dedicated to training

Hey you… I can see you: I know you’ve just raised your eyebrows and thought to yourself ... “yeah, the same old story ... they tell you a few things and then, throw you in at the deep end expect you to get on with it! 

Not this time, though!

Grow Up is a training scheme, focused on digital themes, that injects New Ancorvis’ twenty years of experience into its educational content, derived from the company’s in-depth knowledge of the symbiotic work of the two R&D teams. The teams collaborate and validate solutions and ideas in the lab and in the field which they offer in their courses and to the market as well.

As pragmatic as ever, the Grow Up Team IN (consisting of specialised staff within the Grow Up team) and the Grow Up Team OUT (represented by external clinics and dental technicians) aim to offer simple and practical formulas to solve even the most difficult equations.

So, a whole lot of practical work, a tips-and-tricks approach plus tailor-made training in a kick-a.. location (oops, are we allowed to say that?) where clinics and technicians, together with their staff, can learn, test first-hand and experiment GrowUp-style solutions in the field.

This means that you will be able to get all the answers to your questions, plus improve and develop your work protocol!

Not bad, don’t you agree?

So, what are you waiting for???

Be inquisitive, find out all there is to know about GrowUp and this new teaching method: you’re going to love it.... and don’t forget:



I am always doing what I cannot do yet, in order to learn how to do it

We’ve always had a mania for training, especially when it comes to the digital world ...
Because as a genius painter once said “I am always doing what I cannot do yet, in order to learn how to do it ” , which in reality is an exhortation to get out of one’s comfort zone and refine the tricks of the trade... to push ourselves further.

This is the spirit of Sinergia, a beautiful project pursued by Nobil Metal and New Ancorvis, with whom we first started to collaborate a good 10 years ago, based on which we initially began our own learning process, specialising in Cad Exocad modelling software - churning out 9 certified Trainers to date - before extending this approach to all interested parties in our sector of reference.

We spent time and energy, studying like crazy between 2009 and 2014 and structuring our academy, which is naturally called Sinergia Training Academy - in such a way as to guarantee widespread coverage throughout the entire national territory. We are incredibly proud to declare that from 2017 until today, we have progressively recorded an attendance rate of no less than 600 dental technicians, who, cum laude (we love saying it!), now handle the software with ease, having been supported along their journey from the basics through to the acquisition of advanced skills.
And that’s not all!

In this journey paved with hard work and great satisfactions, there had to be an event dedicated to celebrating the importance of professional skills and continuous training! Hence Sinergia Day was born…
The first will be held in Milan... the second in Bologna, the third, with an entirely new connotation and committed to generating a culture of digital flows applied to the dental sector, will take place on 13th September also in Bologna, in a truly captivating location: Fico Eataly World.
What a beautiful path!

3D Printing solutions mood... and much more ;-)!

It has now been established that quality assurance in 2019 must consider smart solutions to face an increased complexity of production and the need for speed. It is also necessary to meet an increasingly pronounced need for reassurance on the quality of the product.

From this point of view, we ask ourselves questions daily to try to have answers ready and products that meet expectations in terms of safety, quality and reliability... even where, for reasons linked to the nature of some types of products, apparently one would not be able to overcome a result that is not always guaranteed.

However, the limits can often be overcome and sometimes this is possible thanks to a fast insight that turns out to be a winner!

At New Ancorvis we often see these sparks and our accuracy certificate of the products resulting from the use of Cad-Cam technology combined with the 3D printing technique is an obvious example.

The gap to be filled in this type of production is the fact that the final product does not always comply with the structure requested by the customer during the order phase.

All of these processes using the 3D printing technique are subjected, by their intrinsic nature, to a stabilisation process that can alter them in terms of size...

We have therefore come up with, and then examined and tested multiple times, a testing procedure that overlaps the source file with the scan of the device made using validated and dedicated software.

It works! And it even overcomes the critical points already present in the analogical production steps.

A high precision scan is performed on each model made. The scan obtained is then analytically compared to the source file - whether designed by New Ancorvis or directly by the customer - and only the products validated by our testing department and falling within our tolerance margins are sent to the customer together with the accuracy certificate.

With a certain pride,we are the first to perform and certify the testing procedure related to the 3D printed production of surgical models and templates and - what's more! - we are the fist to extend it also to the production of complete arches obtained with the zirconia milling and selective laser melting techniques.

 In this case too, the testing cycle is performed in the same way as described previously and resolves critical issues related to the sintering process, which also has an impact on the dimensional aspect of the structures.

From a problem, a spark and then a solution, which is repeated in a circular flow.

And it is in this context that we realised we have the possibility of overcoming an urgency linked to the accuracy of production of 3D printed removable abutments, in order to ensure not only the accuracy of the model but also the correct execution of then abutment, a key and crucial element to test the fitting and perfect coupling of the products .

We started by asking ourselves some questions... (lots of questions!) and in the end we gave ourselves a univocal answer that lead us to guarantee the correct production of these items thanks to the use of an advanced radio wave probing technology which is used to detect the discrepancies that may occur during the printing phase and to process only what falls within our tolerance parameters.

The workflow is certainly more articulated and complex... but at the end of the day this is just a blog ;-)



Our work is a game, a very serious game!

Autumn is a promising season full of warm and welcoming colours... It is a season during which we have all the best intentions and we are, in general, full of spirit and energy after the well-deserved summer holidays...

We at New Ancorvis are warming up our engines for a full-throttle start

On the other hand we promised that you wouldn’t get bored and that we would fill your 2017 with important news… Well, the news concerning the second part of the year is about to materialise...

Welcome back!

And so we will be off to events and fairs - where we hope we will meet you all! - , we will present new and optimised instruments for the management or your and our work activity and we will launch new interesting projects ....

We have already been giving you a taste of this through the megaphone of our Facebook page, which we would love you to visit and, why not?, leave a comment ;-)!

And so, be ready!!!

In the meantime, we will see you at Sinergia Day on 15th September, an event for dental technicians, dentists and operators in the sector, the central theme of which will be the Digital Clinical Flow - Laboratory-Industry in the present and in the near future, analysed by important speakers in a prestigious setting not far from the centre of Bologna…..The splendid Ca' La Ghironda...

Let's go ;-)!!!!


Our everyday life is characterised by extreme negotiations ... That’s right... Because relationships with customers are very often a source of great satisfaction but at the same time tension and chills down your spine ;-)!

Quoting a popular saying, it is true that the customer is always right but sometimes the customer forgets that he/she is dealing with skilled professionals who work not only with him/her but also on a large scale (I won’t give you any numbers, but trust me, I’m not making it up! ), trying to always work at the best of their ability, regardless of their role.

And since it is precisely the rules of the market - even more than ours - that require companies to operate ensuring increasing competitiveness and quality, it is good not to forget that, in this sense, we at New Ancorvis try to move every day, so that the service and product we offer comply with more than appreciable standards in terms of perceived quality, product/service desirability and quality of the customer care service.

All of this while keeping in mind that perfection is far away and that everything can be improved ;-)

Warning! : we know that we sometimes lack efficiency when dealing with our customers and that sometimes we struggle with processing orders and relative delivery times. We are aware of having caused delays to our customers during particularly stressful moments and of not having always given timely answers to their questions... We are well aware of all this and we are working on it!

However, after this necessary foreword, you who read us and who are our customers, certainly can’t have thought that, in a blog worthy of respect, there wouldn’t have been a few desecrating lines dedicated to you!

 And so let us briefly outline some identikits ( because it is true that we fix some things, but the following is also true ;-):

- there are those who want the job done yesterday but send it tomorrow

- there are those who call the police if you do not reply to calls or emails immediately

- there are those who don’t read and complain that the company doesn’t communicate

- and then there are those who always want more. Just like saying: you can’t have your cake and eat it!

- and there are those who have no faults by default, but then - after long conversations - change their mind

Ugh, how tiring!

….But in the end, the truth is that - even if you are sometimes pestiferous - we love you all to bits because you help us improve ourselves all the time.

Cheers!...to you and to us! Because - even if we sometimes make you angry - we are all working together for you!

No person no success

We win with people!

Our company has always focused on people and on the idea of building and working together in a winning, passionate and proactive team.

The contribution of each of us - yesterday, today and tomorrow - is essential at New Ancorvis to develop products, services, strategies...

And there is a strong sense of belonging we all have in common, making us think (actually, know!)  that our New Ancorvis is all of us together! , because it is the result of our dedication, hard work and ambition, which guide us every day towards increasingly complex common goals.

We constantly cultivate the jovial and open contact that characterises our country to communicate with our customers, to listen to their difficulties and to seek - and suggest - solutions.

The circular communication flow that develops in this way - free from the typical conditions that hierarchies induce - allows us to create a rare empathy with our customers, making them feel closer to, and even part of, our team.

We like to think that our team is strong, cohesive and solid, both within our organisational structure and outside, and that the brisk, bold and positive soul that is typical of New Ancorvis and of its young staff always makes a difference!

And for the New Ancorvis team to be a strong team, we are committed not only to work towards a common goal but also to work in a conscious manner, with clear and defined roles, well aware of the activity that each component of the company performs every day.

In fact, team spirit is not only about achieving a common goal, but rather it means acting methodically, which allows us to fully understand - through comparison, study and analysis - why our actions work and why they lead to failure.

In short, we don’t want to identify the culprit if a mistake is made, but the problem.

In fact, it is only by finding the problem that it will be possible to identify the cause and therefore the solution.

Only in this way we believe it is possible to create an effective strategy (a way of working), that also improves our learning process - even of the coach! - and contributes to creating a corporate structure capable of winning… at all times ;-)!

This is how we train, what we try to do every day, turning our effort, our anxiety for improvement, into more optimised services, strategies, products, workflows…

And then by now you will have understood that New Ancorvis is a competitive company: this is why the comparison with sport is more than congenial to us and why we are passionate about studying all the positive values to transfer to our daily lives.